Sunday, December 2, 2012

26 Days Of Christmas - Day 24: Red Ryder BB Gun

Today, we're going to go a bit old-school and low-tech:

The Red Ryder BB Gun from Daisy

This has been a classic for over 70 years, with very little change in that time.   This is a time of year when this product is big in pop culture, as it was made famous - or infamous? - in the 1983 classic A Christmas Story.   In the film, Ralphie spent the entire movie in search of "A Red Ryder carbine-action two hundred shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time", only to be repeatedly told "You'll shoot your eye out!"

Well, you can get a Red Ryder BB Gun.   You'll not often find one depicted in the movie, though.   The author mistook the Red Ryder (which never came with a compass or sundial) with the Buck Jones model (which did includethese features).   Because of the movie, Daisy introduced a special edition of the "Christmas Dream" BB gun in 1983 through 1984.  They again released anniversary editions in 2003 and 2008 for the 20th and 25th anniversaries of the movie.   Following this trend, it's possible to see a 30th edition next year.

According to the Daisy Air Rifle manufacturers on the Special Edition DVD documentary on the history of the Red Ryder BB Gun, the gun did exist except for one error in the story: the gun did not have a compass and sundial as mentioned in the movie. According to the historians, writer Jean Shepard confused the Red Ryder gun with another rifle that did have those features. But because the story and screen play were scripted to have the compass and sundial, guns had to be specially made for the movie.
(Source: filmtrivia)

However, you can find one here.   In addition, you can find them at Cabella's, Dick's, Bass Pro Shops, Meijer, Amazon, and other retailers and etailers.  

Prices tend to start at about $25, and range upward.    While this may be a fun gift, I must stress that this is not a toy!!  If purchasing this, please remember that this is meant to be in the hands of responsible people.   Children should not play with this, nor use it unsupervised.  Adults and children should remember these three rules:
  1. Always treat a gun as if it were loaded
  2. If it is unloaded, see rule #1
  3. Never point at anything you don't intend to kill/destroy
I got one of these a few years ago to use in a family gift exchange.   My father got it, and it was the hit of the party.    It still brings some family fun to the backyard.  

Economical value?   BB's are often sold separately, and your cost may vary according to your use.   Daisy has made high quality products for decades.   Much like the "1911" handgun that is still essentially the same over 100 years later, the Red Ryder BB Gun has had little change in over 70 years of existence.  This should help you know that you will be getting a quality product for your investment.    This has the potential to bring years of fun and bonding.   But remember, responsibility is very important here.

The movie is also a great gift idea!

Check back for tomorrow's gift idea!

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