Saturday, December 8, 2012

26 Days Of Christmas - Day #18: Back Your Data Up

Today, we're going to look at something pretty valuable - data storage.  Today's idea is the Toshiba Canvio 3TB USB 3.0 External Hard Drive.

Currently, this is available from Best Buy for $119.99

Toshiba has been known to make quality products over the years.   I've personally had very little issue with them.   There is a 1TB drive at $84.99 and a 2TB for $99.99.   The reason I picked out the 3TB, was for the incremental "bang for your buck" factor.   For about $35 more, you can have 3TB of storage for your backup.   Depending on your use, this may be overkill, but for folks with large media collections, or a whole lot of things they need to preserve, this could be just right.

With 3TB, this should be more than adequate storage for most users needs.   It can be formatted in several different formats, to be usable under different operating systems. 

The Canvio line of external drives uses a fast USB 3.0 connection.   This allows for some of the fastest data transfers currently available, providing you have USB3 support on your computer.   For those of us who may not have USB 3.0  on all or any of our computers, it is backward compatible with previous USB standards, and will work fine - albeit slower - on USB 2.0

Anyone who has had a catastrophic hard drive failure, will tell you just how valuable it is to have your work backed up.   I know from personal experience how frustrating it is to lose work or files, and just how good it is when you can restore things without a significant loss.    Gamers can attest to the value of backups.  Continuation of saved games allows one to not have to start at the beginning each time.  Having a backup file for a multi-user game helps to minimize losses du to errors or failures along the way.   It's also a very good idea for the home user.

Economy factor?    At the $119 sale price of the Toshiba Canvio 3TB drive, it provides the greatest "bang for the buck" factor at the moment.   Prices fluctuate, and other manufacturers like Seagate and Western Digital also make quality external hard drives.   Toshiba does have a good reputation, and this one is, at present an excellent value.   While I'm not currently in the market for an external drive, this is one that I would consider picking up.

Remember to back up your data, and check back for tomorrow's gift idea!

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