Wednesday, December 19, 2012

26 Days Of Christmas - #7: Samsung HMX F80 Camcorder

Today's gift idea is a bit mixed in with a product review.   Today I'm talking about the Samsung HMX F80 digital camcorder.  
I picked up this one back in June  Currently, it has a price of about $149.99 (Samsung, Best Buy 12/19/2012) That's $50 off the MSRP, and about $30 less than what I ended up paying for mine. 

While one might be able to record video from their smart phone, capacity is limited, as well as quality, in some cases.  Let's not forget about the battery drain on your device.   The smart phone may be fine to catch "YouTube moments" and quick things, but if you want to get a good recording of something important, it's better to have a quality product on your hands.

From the box, the HMX F80 (which comes in either black or silver) advertises a 2.7" opening LCD screen, 52x optical zoom, true color with CMOS, HD movie recording and HDMI output.   This camcorder records to SD cards, so the capacity is only limited by the size and number of cards.  The battery life is about an hour to an hour and a half,  At the time I purchased mine, it was a very new device, and replacement batteries were not easily available.   However replacement battery packs are now more readily available.  

I used this one weekend during a family reunion.   Environments filmed ranged from inside a hotel to out on Lake Michigan on a very sunny day.   Sometimes autofocus to a little bit to figure out what it was doing, but for the most part, video, and the attached audio came out great.   I got some good segments with my great aunts talking, as well as some of the other fun going on.   (I do enjoy those family reunions.)

Not long after, I had the chance to use this to film a concert for area band Crusader, when they headlined a show at Ye Olde Town Inn.  Those who know YOTI, know that it's pretty cozy where the bands play.  The lighting was lower than at the reunion, but the show recorded well.   The only thing that would have made this better, would be if I were able to record the audio straight from the board.  

SD cards can be removed, and placed into a computer.  The camera also has both a mini-USB and micro-HDMI output.  The USB also acts as a charger for the battery.  The HDMI port allows you to play your recent footage on your HDTV.  

I've had a couple of other good opportunities to use this since, and can say that I'm pretty impressed with it.   There are, certainly, plenty of "better" models on the market, and there will continue to be plenty released.   However, this one, in my view, hits the sweet spot between features and price nicely.   I was a bit surprised to have as much packed into the price I paid.  

Economical value?   From personal experience, I say this one is a winner on that front.   It can handle most situations, and provides great quality, which Samsung is known for.   With the sale price, it's an even better bargain. 

You will definitely want to pick up some accessories.   The camera includes one battery, a mini-USB cable to USB cable (connect this to your PC, or any USB outlet, a mini-USB to RCA cable (connect your camera to the RCA (audio L/R & video) ports on a TV or other device,, a USB to 120V adapter (plug your USB devices into a standard US AC outlet), and software to edit your recorded material on your computer.   It's a good idea to get at least one spare battery.  This battery charges fairly quickly (especially when new).  We used the USB adapter in the car, as well as a DC to USB converter in a car without the USB jack.   A micro-HDMI cable is also a good idea to pick up.   I picked one up from Newegg for about $5.   It's probably a good idea to have a good case, and several SD cards too.   Currently, I'm using 16GB Kingston cards.

If you're looking at a good camera to record your family (or other0 moments, then I'd recommend taking a good look at the Samsung HMX-F80.

Thanks for having a look today, and I'll have another gift idea for you tomorrow (Day #6)!

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