Sunday, July 12, 2015

Product Review - "From The Heart" CD

Not too long ago, I got a message from a friend.  The short form is "We put together a CD, with proceeds going to charity.  Would you mind having a listen?".

There's quite a bit more to it, though, so, I'll borrow from my initial message, and the website.   Brian, who let me know about this project, was influenced by Steven Cooper, who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA),  He wanted to do something to help:

Our first thought was to put together a benefit gig to raise money and awareness. I know a lot of really talented musicians. Musicians often get together and play fund raising events (Bless them all).
In our case it just didn’t make sense. The artists I know are spread out amongst the state too far and wide to make it happen. We decided to write original music and came up with a mixed genre CD. Instead of asking our talented friends to appear at a benefit gig….we would ask them to donate a solo or performance to the CD.

 As time went on, 14 original tracks were written, and guest musicians contacted.   The result being From The HeartThis link gives details about all of the musicians who graciously donated their time and talent toward this project.

"100% of the proceeds will be donated to Steven’s Walk and SMA"

 Now, Voger's been a friend of the family since long before I was around.   So, I've already got two good reasons to check out this album.  Further, though, as a amateur player, myself, with several musician friends, I like being able to directly support artists when I can (picking up albums or merch, hitting some concerts, plugging projects, etc).   I ordered my copy, probably within 10 minutes of reading his message.  It showed up in my mailbox faster than I anticipated.

Now comes time for my review.   What did I think about this?   The short answer is "I liked it".   But, I'd much rather give an answer that doesn't fit within the parameters of a Twitter post.    

What I heard though these songs echoed the "Music" page.  I had the privilege of growing up with a father who introduced me to what would now be referred to as "Classic Rock" - Kansas, The Who, Led Zeppelin, and such were part of my formative years - and would be reinforced as I got older.   What I heard through the tracks on From The Heart was an assortment of new songs that touched on the rock, R&B, and a bit of folk/country that still are a staple of my entertainment.   The guest artists gave each track a unique feel to it.  The songs were well written.   I've listened through the album several times. 

The bottom line:   I've enjoyed this album (several times).  Not only is it good music, but the proceeds are going to a good cause.   For the quality, and the cause, I recommend picking up a copy of From The Heart!  

Thanks to the artists who donated their time and talent, and thanks Voger for letting me know about this!